Thursday, 28 February 2013

Tongue twister? Or....

Susie, Sally said something...
Sally, Susie starts saying..
Susie said.. Sally something..
Sally said.. Susie says..

Oh well....


Some are just exploring other avenues... ;p

Thank You

The slightest effort..
The biggest appreciation..


Wednesday, 27 February 2013


Fathom the discerning meaning..
Before validating thy thoughts..
For, not all that meets the eye..
Is what that should be seen..

Ifyouknowwhatimean.. heh!

Day by Day..

Things change..
People change..
Feelings change..

Tuesday, 26 February 2013


Liar.. liar..
Pants on fire..

Frozen on fire


"A guys biggest mistake is giving another guy an opportunity to make his girl smile. Appreciate your girl and make time for her."


Monday, 25 February 2013

Greener on the other side..

YOU! are fated for me..
WE! will succeed..
Despite all odds..
Against, all odds!!

In syaa Allah..

A little more time..
<3 ☆

Sunday, 24 February 2013

Awww.. suwit!

Tender feelings are there to stay..
Even though at times it may sway..
Disappointments are able make the feelings go away..
But hey..!
Those feelings of love will make it's way..

Into one's heart.


Because, I can!

The end.

Bottling up each minute event..
Throwing it far beneath the sea..
If this is how everything must end..
This is what I'll accept it to be..

The pleasure may have just begun..
The pain will forever linger..
Thank YOU for every single fun..
YOU are The One I will always remember..

"Sometimes the person you want most, is the person you're best without."

Smile, because it happened.


Saturday, 23 February 2013


The journey I embark on is sleek..
Crossing over a long winding creek..
Where the future seem extremely bleak..
And the choices are making me meek..

This war..... is mine.
The loser..... is me.
The winner..... is ...


Friday, 22 February 2013

Sunday, 17 February 2013

Marah bukan sifatku..

Keras hanyalah luaranku
Lembut tetap di dalam hati
Marah habis setakat itu
Tak kubiar berpanjangan
Biar aku berdiam diri
Dengan hati yang remuk redam
Kau tak usah lagi bertanya
Tak ku bersuara

Aku masih mampu tersenyum
Walau hati terluka
Mungkin hari ini duka untuk aku
Esok belum tentu

Cuma satu arah serta satu tujuan
Mencari keberkatan-Nya

^rangkap lirik dari New Boyz^


Aduhaii.. baru nak melayan jiwang dipetang ahad yang redup ni dengan lagu-lagu lama yang pernah menyentuh hati dan membawa seribu kenangan manis.. terbaca pula komen seseorang di video berkenaan..

Gedebuk.. 1 lagi tamparan buat diri ini...

Aiseyman... ouch!!!

Ubat ini..

Walau pahit.. ku telan jua..
Kerna ku pasti terkandung didalamnya..
Berjuta-juta hikmah dan makna..
MilikMu Tuhan Yang Maha Esa..
Kebaikan yang nyata, juga yang rahsia...


~aku yang ....~

Ingat 5 perkara..

Terimakasih Allah untuk sedetik lebih rasa itu..
Yang telah Kau kurniakan kepadaku..

"That relationship where you can talk all the way from "good morning" to "goodnight" and never get bored of each other <3"

But everything simply equals to......

Saturday, 16 February 2013

Every breath I take..

Letting go of someone is easy when you don’t care about them, letting go of that someone when you’re in love with them, will be one of the hardest things you’ll ever have to do.

Make it go away...
In syaa Allah...


Seringkali hidup ini diajukan..
Dengan seribu satu soalan..
Memaksa kita membuat keputusan..
Amat terkesan memberi pengajaran..
Seakan memaksakan suatu perubahan..

Tiap soalan mencabar minda..
Mendetik hati menjadi gundah..
Menggamit resah didalam jiwa..
Apakah diri ini yang bersalah..

Ini peperangan..
Aku dengan aku..
Ini pergelutan..
Aku dengan aku..
Damaikanlah kemelut ini..

Sebuah soalan.....
Apakah maknanya?
Dimanakah tafsirnya......

--aku yang keliru--

Friday, 15 February 2013

To Whom This May Concern...

This may be dedicated to anyone..
It may also be for no one..
If You are the chosen one..
Please know You are someOne..

Whether You are near or far...
May the grace and blessings of Allah...
Befall on You wherever You are...

As special as the morning dew..
As serene as the evening sunset..
As calm as the darkest night..

~~gd morn~~
~~gd noon~~
~~gd night~~

The most simplest of greetings..
The glowing rays of life's simple wishings..
Events and happenings could be all wrong..
May the right directions swiftly comes along..

Allah knows!

Hopes and prayers..

Thursday, 14 February 2013



Tetiba teringat lirik lagu ni..
Bila sinar suria..
Menghampiri dikau..
Sabarlah dek sayang..
Ku kembali..

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Love note for me..

Similar to a slogan in a famous advertisement....

Because I AM worth it!



How I feel will not determine how I behave toward u.
Not because I'm nice.. but because..

My Creator is much much bigger than your cameo role..

Today will pass..
Tomorrow is never promised..
A lesson learnt is an experience earned.

Thank YOU! for everything.



Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Insan yang lemah..

KepadaMu Tuhan..
Aku hanya mampu berdoa dan berserah..
Agar diriku lebih istiqamah..
Menjalankan kewajipanku tanpa jemu..
Dan sentiasa redha akan ketentuanMU..
Kepadamu taulan..
Secebis nota.. sekilas kata..
Hati terguris kau pendam jua..
Jika aku bersalah padamu..
Ku mohon maaf setulus hatiku..
Aku hanyalah..
Seorang insan yang sangat lemah..

A little plea.. "pleaseeeee..."

Make me stop comparing.
Please... tolonglah
Please... bahagiakanlah..

Monday, 11 February 2013


Advertisement ;)
Say Yes to all these.. for an almost thorough interior heart cleansing..
something an exterior facewasher could never achieve. 
An expensive product may make you look pretty..
but a 'deep' cleanser is essential to make that beauty shine.
This bio organic product is found entirely in your mind,
residing in your heart.
No purchases required! 
Try it for optimum results! In syaa Allah..
For Allah knows you & me best. :)

Thursday, 7 February 2013

Wants and Needs

That fine line inbetween..
Failing which to distinguish..
Will result in a major catastrophe..
Mentally, physically and
Financially.. heehee..

Saturday, 2 February 2013

Wise words

Kata-kata yang akan menjadi sandaranku...

Terkadang, lebih baik mengalah, bukan kerana kamu salah, tapi kerana dengan mengalah, kamu tidak putuskan jalinan ukhwah yang telah terbina sesama insan...

Thank you sis SK.
Semoga Allah melindungi dan memuliakan kedudukanmu sentiasa. Aamiinn

Wahai Teratai.. ingatlah

Tamparan ke 2 untuk diri ku sendiri.. :)