Sunday, 31 March 2013

My present object of affection.. teehee


One more from the top ":)

It has always been in me to think of others first before myself..
People may mock me for being so..
To me, no level of egoism will bring you anywhere further but toward destruction..
Being compassionate, is a choice we can make. Choose it!
Allah is Great. Don't make Him force you to feel the pain you inflict on others to learn to be sensitive.
Just my 2 cents worth..


Smile a Tears

Inbetween now and then..
Till I see u again..

Smile an everlasting smile..
Don't shed a tear for me..


Friday, 29 March 2013

Don't judge... Just read.
Here lies... the deepest truth revealed.



1 of the most intriguing reason why I love reading and collecting quotes, is because it is short, precise and motivating. I am definitely not a book reader. I'm the type who would jump straight to the last page... for that matter.. hehe.

As for this particular quote.. I can't help but fall in love with the message it delivers.

It is an interpretation of what is in my mind.. the feeling I'm battling with.. like totally! absolutely! Spot on!!

Decisions.. for whatever the reason it is required.. will never be easy.. -_-


Secomel Kamu

Wednesday, 27 March 2013


"Ihq: Be with someone who won’t stay mad at you, who can’t stand not talking to you, and who’s afraid of losing you."

Found that someone already...
Have to be thankful to Him for him..


Tuesday, 26 March 2013

As a matter of fact..
U are the sunshine and the laughter!

Thank You, Allah..
For bestowing all the loving, endearing individuals around me..


Monday, 25 March 2013

Yang mana..?

Mengikut kata hati..
Atau mengikut pertimbangan minda..
Sering keliru kita jadinya..
Bila hati berputik rasa..
Tapi minda berkata usah gesa..


Sunday, 24 March 2013

3 2 1.. Actionnn!!

I appreciate it that we are able to behave as if nothing is communicated. When everything seems to be freshly recited.. the humor kept.. secrets folded safe...



Saturday, 23 March 2013

Be kind.

Comfort others, twice as much as you hope to be comforted by them.
Everyone has fought and is still fighting their own battle in life.

Thursday, 21 March 2013


That clean spontaneous joke...
Which never fail to cheer...


Quotation :

"'It's not necessary to tell all you know. It's not ladylike -in the second place, folks don't like to have someone around knowin' more than they do. It aggravates 'em. You're not gonna change any of them by talkin' right, they've got to want to learn themselves, and when they don't want to learn there's nothing you can do but keep your mouth shut or talk their language.'" Page 126



Monday, 18 March 2013



"ihatequotes: Love the people who saw you when you were invisible to everyone else."

And I would like to add.
Love those who left too, because it made you 'see' the truth.


Rasa ini..

Wajah tenang
Bibir mengukir senyuman
Hati menangis tak bersuara

Biarlah yang menangis itu hati..
Dan biarlah yang tahu itu Tuhan.


Sunday, 17 March 2013


Lawak malam Sunday.. ;p

Dihati ini hanya Tuhan yang tahu..
Dihati ini tidak akan mempersoalkanmu..
Dihati ini akan membiarkan segalanya berlalu..
Dihati ini redha dengan ketentuanMu..


Saturday, 16 March 2013

Surprisingly calm..

Hari demi hari..

..Begini dan begini..
..Hari silih berganti hari..
..Semoga cekal semangat dihati..
..Bila diri terus-terusan diuji...


Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Everybody needs a little time away..
Just for the day.. from each other..
Even lovers need a holiday..
Far away.. from the one that I love..

After all that we've been thru..
I will make it up to you..
I promise to..
And after all this've been said and done..
You're just a part of me..
I can't let go..


Helaian Daunan..

Kadangkala.. kemarahan menerpa diri..
Ada masanya.. kelukaan mengintai hati..
Apabila.. kata tidak dipercayai..
Tatkala.. perbuatan sering disalah erti..
Aku kan terus..
Tertawa dan menyetujui..
Dan segalanya.. akan ku simpan sendiri..



Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Hakuna Matata..

It really gets u nowhere..

Ya Allah SWT help me.
Ya Allah, I've gone too far from what You taught me. Forgive me. Guide me to go to the right path. There's too much love in my heart that I know it wont last. No matter how I want it badly, I know You know whats best for me. Please help me to get through this Ya Allah.
Live by the name of Allah

Friday, 8 March 2013


It is a challenge sometimes..
But! With that challenge I learn..
Endurance, forgiveness and love..
If i can't endure..
I won't be able to forgive..
I will miss the chance to love you..

Mi Daughter..

You have always been said to be my replica..
Something I'm proud of each time I hear..
And as you grew up, we became more similar..
Not only in looks, but also in character..
I would never trade you for any other..

A lover of quotes..
Just like me <3

Di Daughter..

Needless to say, I have always been proud of you..
And I can never thank Allah enough for blessing me with not one,
but two..
You are such a sensible child..
Adorable and loving..
You are never ever wild..
Always being so caring..

Thursday, 7 March 2013


Takmau compare!
I don't want..!!



Separation anxiety..
Is my greatest fear..
In facing the reality..
Of how painful the heart will tear..

Ku Syukuri

Untuk kekesalan semalam..
Untuk penerimaan hari ini..
Untuk kebaikan yang diberi..
Untuk bantuan yang ku kongsi..
Untuk keaiban yang dialami..
Untuk kesedaran yang dirasai..
Untuk kegelisahan yang dilalui..
Untuk ketenangan yang dikecapi... 
Untuk setiap kekhilafan..
Untuk setiap pengajaran..

Untuk segala-galanya..
Ku syukuri nikmatMu Tuhan..


My bestest

Love them both to bits and pieces.. hihi

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Knock on the head

"HOTD: Yr spouse was written 4 U way B4 U or they were born. How U treat them & marriage is very much in yr hands & is yr path 2 Jannah, or Hell."

Gosh..! why have I been complaining? :(

Letting go of what is not mine to begin with.. n keeping what Allah has decreed for me..

Alhamdulillah, for the eye-opener.




Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Dear brother..

I would very much love to share this with you. However, due to our communication constraint.. I am just posting it here as a form of sharing too.
As a younger sibling, a family member.. I pray that this time around, you'd be more firm and fixed in your intention to reform. We, your family.. will always be behind you.

Dear brother, I am confident...
that the day will come... and..
YOU will succeed...


Monday, 4 March 2013

Mampukah aku..

"Ketabahan.. tercalar luka..
Setelah.. hati terkorban..
Ditusuk duri kelukaan.."


Terjumpa status ini.. dan serta merta ia mengingatkan aku tentang kata-kata Tedi ku..
Moment to moment, there are aspects of life that we like, and others we don’t, there are always going to be people who disagree with you, people who do things differently, that don’t work out. If you fight this principle of life, you'll spend most of your time fighting battles. - R. carlson
Mungkinkah aku yang terlalu menginginkan hanya yang aku mahu, tanpa mempedulikan bahawasanya perbezaan diantara kami adalah kudrat yang telah ALLAH cipta. Untuk aku menyedari, aku hanyalah manusia biasa yang penuh dengan kelemahan dan hanya DIA yang mengatur dan menentukan segala-galanya.. Subhanallah..
Yang terbaik pastinya dari ALLAH SWT

Kerdilnya Seorang Aku..

Ya Rohman.. Ya Rohim..
Jadikan aku diantara ummatMu yang mudah memaafkan sesama kami..

Ampunilah kedua orangtua ku..
Tempatkanlah mereka di syurgaMu..

SesungguhNya Engkaulah Yang Maha Pengampun dan Maha Penyayang..

Aamiin.. aamiin.. aamiinnn ya rabbal 'alaminn


Sunday, 3 March 2013

Ku harus cuba..

Friends Are Angels

Someone who makes me laugh..
Is NEVER an idiot.

Thank You, Allah!
For u u u u u u....
All of You whom I call.. my friends!!

Yes, I WILL cry in your absence.
