Thursday, 30 May 2013

Move. On. Two..

Live for the moment..
Cos that is all we have..
Leave the guilt behind closed doors..
Look out the window..
And embrace the horizon in serenity..

May the peace and tranquility of Allah,
Be with You! Aamiin..


Wednesday, 29 May 2013


Sweetness overload messages....
From the 1 that I love..
I'm on cloud nine..

<3 lotus <3

Setiap hari yang berlalu..
Aku semakin mengenalimu..
Setiap liku perjalanan hidupmu..
Mengukir simpati seorang aku..
Kini aku lebih mengerti..
Jerit payah yang telah kau lalui..
Pengalaman kini mengajarmu..
Meniti hari yang lebih bermutu..
Dari jauh kan ku utus doa..
Semoga kebahagiaan kan menjadi milikmu jua..

Kau insan istimewa..


Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Move. On!

Been down.. cried.. hurt.. broken..
For different reasons, by different people..
Sometimes once, or umpteen times repeated.. by the same person..

Yesterday is gone..
Tomorrow is never promised..
Today may not be fully granted to us..
We only have moments..

A moment in time..

A moment of folly..
May never be jolly..
That moment we regret..
May be the lesson we shall never forget..

Buckle up..
Move on..


Have always..

Giving is always always always..
Better than receiving..

Me have always, will always be...

Sunday, 26 May 2013

nope... not when the person is gone, but!

The worst is when the person that means the most to you is right beside you...



Kenangan terindah..
Terukir dikala hati terguris..
Disaat kesepian mencengkam..
Menandingi keriuhan malam..

Kehadiran tanpa diduga..
Perhatian tanpa dipinta..
Keriangan sekeping hati..
Kasih sayang yang membawa jutaan erti..

Syukurku pada Mu Tuhan..
Kerna menghadirkan seorang kamu..
Mengubati kelukaan seorang aku..

Kehilangan yang ku geruni..
Akan tiba jua, pasti..
Aku insan yang lemah..
Hanya mampu berserah..


Saturday, 25 May 2013

My sunshine..

A song we all are so familiar with..
A happy song for someone dear..
To whom do you relate this to?
Your answer is in you..
And mine is in me..
I wont judge you..
Neither should u judge me..
For the mind goes wandering..
When the heart is wavering..


Something we can easily say..
As long as its to someone else..


Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Monday, 20 May 2013


Campai ati awakk.. kudukut kat kita...
Tak dulikkk... kita nak majok ahhh.....
Boohooo cedihnyaaaa... bluweekk.... !!!


Lost & Found?

Dear students,

Let's learn english TENSES today...
Present tense..
Past, tense..
Perfect, tense..
Future perfect, tense..


Ok enough.. wuteva! Troll...


Saturday, 18 May 2013

"@coffeeprinceu: googled 'Happy-go-lucky' and the term 'cheerfully irresponsible' was just speaking to me heheheheehe"

Guess sometimes the phrase 'runs in the blood' does speak some truth! Teehee..

Hmmmm... "Cheerfully irresponsible"
Affirmative!... I am a nyakat-ter! LoloL


Ha ha ha

Was busy chitchatting with dearest bff..
When a funny topic pops up...
But sorry... I shan't elaborate more on the topic (for privacy reasons) teehee..

#between fren n frenly#
I porgetlah...


Everyone loves a warm hug..
Anyone up for it?
Free with tlc.... Heh..


Friday, 17 May 2013

I believe.

When asked which 1 are U?
Came the reply...
"yg tedayaa nyakat mk datinn laa...hahaha..."

Honestly, what is life without good humour with caring friends...

"ihatequotes: I Thank God everyday for my crazy friends. Cause they may be psycho but I would be lost without them."


Thursday, 16 May 2013


"A #Cancer is truly compassionate, warm, funny and cares about everyone and everything."

Ehehemm... hihihihihi...

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

The need to understand..
The want to deny..
The knowledgeable to distinguish..
The ignorant to deliberate..


Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Yang tersurat..
Yang tersirat..
Yang tersiat..

Terima kasih..

The obvious..
The hideous..
The malicious..

Thank you..


Jiwang Panas Terik..

Sekarang ni cuaca panas..



Tapi hati kita berdua...
Moga sentiasa terasa damai..
Disirami kasih sayang...
Disulami rasa cinta...
Apabila kita bersua..
Setiap hari kita bersama..
Kita menikmati keberkahan anugerahNya..




Terimakasih awak..

Monday, 13 May 2013


Yes. No. Alright.

I'm not a superwoman..
But as long as my princesses respect n appreciate me 24/7, it is sufficient enough to make me feel like a supermom.

Endless Thank You to Allah swt for the lifetime beautiful experience of raising 2 beautiful lovely girls.

Against all odds, protecting and nurturing them is my utmost priority.
They will always be my babies..

#imananappreciatedandblessedmomma# alhamdulillah

Sunday, 12 May 2013

Tangis dan Tawa..

Hingga hujung nyawa..
Hanya Tuhan yang tahu..
Teman sejati..
Sesungguhnya aku isteri dia..
Untuk selamanya..
Adam dan Hawa..
Erti kasih..
Bila rindu..
Mari selawat..



Saturday, 11 May 2013


Those times..
When doing the right thing..
Justtttttt doesn't turn out right..


Friday, 10 May 2013

Sekadar luahan senja..

Hipokrit ke kita..
Jika kita melakukan apa yang tertera di dalam gambar ini..

Siapakah yang kita tipu sebenarnya?

Menjaga hati... sampai bila?
Memendam hiba.. untuk apa?

"ALLAH Maha Mengetahui..
ALLAH penentu segala..
Aku terima ujianNya..
Aku redha qada dan qadar Sang Pencipta.."

Apakah itu sekadar penyedap rasa?
Hmm.. Tepuk dada.. tanya minda..

Sendiri mau ingat..

Human err, thus...

"@YasminMogahed: Let your need for the forgiveness of your Creator drive you to forgive His creation."


Bridges connect us to new horizons..
The grass is always greener on the other side..
The sun is always brighter there too..

There's always a choice.. but..



Thursday, 9 May 2013

The difference is in thy mind..
The answer is in thy heart...


Interpret this.. as u wish!


Wednesday, 8 May 2013


Found this in the internet. A good read :

When we deal with ourselves and when we deal with life on an ongoing basis sometimes we struggle with receiving what is meant for us for our future because of the pain that we have experienced in the past. Some of us choose to let our pasts dictate what we do in the present because we are too afraid to fail in anything again. Doing so affects us greatly as it may make us miss great opportunities to develop relationships with new people, and it may also keep us from going through doors we probably would have seen if we weren't too busy looking backwards. To leave the past where it belongs, we simply have to let go. Indeed, letting go may be easier said than done, but we must also remember that anything that we sincerely put our minds to can be completed. Be who you are now to help build yourself up to who you want to be in the future. Don't try to move forward in life while looking backward, leave the past behind you.

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Just kidding.. heh

Fine! But there are times when I don't even believe myself.. how neh?? troll!!

Sunday, 5 May 2013

Those memories of yesterday *and today¿* will last a lifetime..
We'll take the best, forget the rest..

And someday we'll find..
These are the best of times...

Diam. Diamkan

Selalu orang tak faham kita..
Sering orang tunggu untuk ketawakan kita..
Biasanya orang cepat je nampak silap kita..

Dia tau sikit..
Tapi komen banyak..
Apa kita buat..
Cepat di olah ejek..

Diam dari cerita..
Diam bila dicerita..

Apa yang orang nak teka....
Apa yang dia nak reka.....


Saturday, 4 May 2013

Semoga dirimu sentiasa didalam lindungan Yang Maha Esa.. aamiin..

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

This is for U!

Be strong, keep the faith..

With lots of love and doa's..
I wish nothing but The Very Best!
For You!!! Aamiin....