Sunday, 30 June 2013


do you really love me
Or is this a game you play
Can I believe the tender words you say
Or, is this my final day with you, Angela.
Do you remember that night you told me that you loved me so
You held me tight as if you'd never let me go.
What do I know of you, Angela.
Angela, the world was made for you and me.
A love like ours was meant to be.
We're strong together can't you see.
So, if you love me I promise I will never, never let you go.
I'll think about that night
You said you loved me so.
Or was it a show, Angela.

~Jose Feliciano~

One day.

Vague. The end.

Thursday, 27 June 2013

"Show respect to people who don't even deserve it. Not as a reflection of their character, but as a reflection of yours. #iHQ"

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Saturday, 22 June 2013

Rahsia DIA

Kalau DIA tidak menguji dengan jerebu yang agak teruk.
Kita takkan bersyukur dengan kehadiran matahari dan takkan keindahan bulan yang menyinari malam.
Sesungguhnya, Allah Maha Mengetahui dan Maha Berkuasa.

Masya Allah

22 Jun 2000hrs

Rumah terbakar panggil bomba..

Dengan keadaan cuaca yang berjerebu.. tetiba dengar bunyi siren bomba..
Bila kepo jenguk ke luar rumah, barulah tau.. ada rumah yg berdekatan sedang dijilat api.. aduhaii.. sian owner rumah tu.. semoga segalanya ok ok aje...

Musibah datang tanpa dipinta..
Marilah kita berhati2 demi mengelakkannya..


"Loneliness used to be the feeling when the person you love is far away from you.
Now it's when your phone dies."

Quoted this from someone else's status.
Cant stop giggling agreeing with the fact.


You, yes you! ;)

Always are..
And always will be..
In All ways..

Friday, 21 June 2013

For the millionth time..

For every single moment.
Thank You, Allah swt!
thank You!



#Cancers are the best at listening and are always thinking about others. You can always trust a Cancer with your problems.

Ok bye... wheee....

Thursday, 20 June 2013


Everyone is talking about the haze and the PSI reading..
Come on people.. let's unite and believe in these...

P - Patience. 
S - Solat.
I - Istighfar..

And say, alhamdulillah..

Kip semailing.. hihihi ;))))

Monday, 17 June 2013

Thursday, 13 June 2013

Yours, truthfully

A true friendship, has no definition..
The only criteria to having one is,, by being one.

Others may wonder..
Minds may wander..
But the honest unjudgemental heart of a friend..
Will never falter..

Thank YOU.


Tuesday, 11 June 2013

"@pepatah: Diakui atau tidak, pasti ada seseorang yang datang dalam hidupmu dan tetap dihatimu. Meski sekejap, dia meninggalkan kesan yang mendalam."

Monday, 10 June 2013



Yehh.. tonight I found an app.
Am now able to edit photos with text myself!! Here's a test run on the app!! Need more work on editing.. but nevertheless... it feels..... Ohsemmm muchh!!!!!!
So happy!!!!!! Lalalaa...

Special mention and infinite gratitude to sis SK for assisting me all these while..

sissss..!!!! saya da boleh buat cendiliiii.. horeyyy!! xoxo ... hihihihi

Sidenote: tengkiu to my bro fren for providing the background foto..
Relek brade... brade relek!!!
\m/ wa caya lu.. lol!!

~amsoexcited~ ☆★♡♥♡☆

Sunday, 9 June 2013

And this.. will not happen..
Cos u will be busy saying ur piece of mind too..

Sai.. soi.. sui.. ;))


When others care for you..
It is easy to..
Take them for granted...


Saturday, 8 June 2013

Don't u ever realise..

The things I bottle up...
The treatment I always received..


...A quote that so suits me.. ahah...
There's no limit to how kind I can be..
But never assume I'm just a small bumble bee..


Friday, 7 June 2013



tuu laaa....patot nk kne ckap injit2 cemot kee..(funny)(funny)(funny)

Adess.. wahahaha...  ;))


..yg las phrase tuu...nk kne erase...hihihi...

Okay!! ;))

Alhamdulillah. . . .

Thursday, 6 June 2013

Datangnya tanpa diundang..

Good morning semua...
Hari yang baru dapat kita nikmati..
Menjemput kebaikan mendatangi sisi..
Tapi bersedialah menerima apa jua ujian Allah yang tidak di sangka dgn tabah..
Kerana didalamnya pasti terkandung hikmah..

Have a blessed Thursday..


Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Kepada temanku yang amat ku sayangi..

Innalillahi wa’inna ilaihi raji’un. Semoga seluruh keluargamu diberikan kekuatan dan kesabaran dalam menghadapi ujian dan musibah ini.
Ku doakan agar roh Allahyarhamah dicucuri rahmat dan mendapat keampunan Allah SWT, serta ditempatkan di kalangan orang-orang yang soleh. Al-Fatihah.

Maafkan daku kerna tidak pandai mengatur bait kata manis untuk memujukmu...
I may not be a good coaxer, but my best prayers are always with you.

Be strong my Sutera Kasih. <3

Lots of hugs and kisses..

Alalala mucuk..


Hmmmm.... gerammmmnyer tengok... !!!
*nakkkk cubitttt pipi dier*

Hehe ;))

That moment when u know exactly why someone acted the way they did ... but its just too much for u to comprehend.......



Monday, 3 June 2013


Orang kata..
Sayang pada semua boleh.. tapi..
Orang kata lagi..
Cinta pada satu, jangan toleh-toleh..
Orang kata jugak..
Tak boleh kawan lebih-lebih..
Orang kata saya mesti dengar..
Jangan buat yang orang lain cakap salah..

Tapi.. tu semua orang kata..
Bukan saya kata..
So, kenapa label saya..
Dengan apa yang orang kata..

Label untuk barangan tak bernyawa..
bukan untuk manusia..
Allah kan ada..
DIA tak pernah leka..
DIA yang atur segalanya..
kalau buat yang betul atau yang tak betul..
Pon dari DIA..
Kita kenalah percaya..

So, disini saya nak kata..
In syaa Allah saya akan cuba...
Redha Relek Responsible, dengan perbuatan diri sendiri..
Apa orang kata, tak semestinya saya ambil peduli..

~tintaorangdableqyangtakmenyusahkanoranglain.agaknyalah~ lol

~teratai itu indah, kerna ia ciptaan Yang Agung~ ♡nobodycandeny♡


Sunday, 2 June 2013


Kan mak da cakap,
Buatlah orang lain Gembira..
Bukan, buat orang lain irritz.. lol

Sometimes a joke is not meant to make you laugh..
It is meant to make you think..!

Paham ehhh... paham ehhh...


Cancerian pledge..

"@ZodiacFacts: A #Cancer is the type to forgive you,but will always remember what you said from word to word and make sure you know about it."

Hehehe... something so true. Something so me, but na'ah. Relaxlah. u r safe, I've totally forgiven u and will never mention it again... I only do the above to others..! (Blows a whistle tune :-" dumdeedumdeedum.. teehee..)


Saturday, 1 June 2013

Words means nothing when silence is all we need..
But words are everything, when it is spoken with love and understanding..


Kata-kata yang senang diucap sebagai nasihat kepada oranglain..
Tapi diriku sendiri juga bersalah melakukannya..

Astaghfirullah alazim.. 
astaghfirullah astaghfirullah astaghfirullah...
