Tuesday, 31 December 2013


That small gesture..
That uncalled for kindness..
Aww... such sweetness..

Thank you.. & alhamdulillah...

Sunday, 29 December 2013

Tuhan slalu menguji, menguji dan menguji kita. Tugas kita hanyalah menyelesaikan ujian itu dgn baik.

U know u are doing the right thing, when ur mind is at ease... ur heart is in peace.. Alhamdulillah...

Friday, 27 December 2013


Sometimes it's better to move on than to hold on to a person who don't understand you. Your absence will teach what your presence can not. 

I am living positive..

Tuesday, 24 December 2013


Thanks for the wonderful memories..
I guess my best wasn't good enough..
Shall do it your way..
No complaints..
No regrets..

Sorry for my shortcomings..
I forgive you for yours..


Friday, 13 December 2013


"ZodiacFacts: #Cancers are willing to take the good with the bad. They will love and accept you when no one else would."

See, told ya.. It's inborn.. ahaks..

Wednesday, 11 December 2013


I thank YOU..

Thank you.. for your time..
Thank you.. for your lies..
Thank you.. for the truth..
Thank you.. for the happiness..
Thank you.. for the heartaches..
Thank you.. for making me a priority..
Thank you.. for taking me for granted..
For showing me what honesty means..
For teaching me how painful it is without it..

Thank YOU!


Sometimes we say things.. without thinking..
Sometimes we do things.. taking another's feelings for granted..

To you.. the one who have been honest, I'm sincerely sorry..
To the one who have done it to me..
I forgive you..

Tuesday, 10 December 2013


"ZodiacFacts: You can count on a #Cancer to remember everything you said word from word. As much as they like to forget they simply can't."

hahaha.. and they are going to use it against you when the time is right.

"ZodiacFacts: Trust that a #Cancer will forgive you,but they will never forget. Every time you get into a fight they will remind you of it." Beware the wrath!! LoL

Anyyyywayy,.. otherwise...
Cancers are a peaceful, caring and very thoughtful lot.

Yo yo!! (Y)

Monday, 9 December 2013

Green grass of home

"muftimenk: Making the lives of others a misery and asking them to keep bearing patience is like placing something in a fire and asking it not to burn."

Things always seem like 'nothing', 'easy' or 'being ungrateful', when in actual fact, we are just a mere onlooker...

Try walking in the other person shoes..

Empathy is power!
Understanding breeds compassion.

Thursday, 5 December 2013


"ihqs: Those who talk down to you are just trying to walk tall by making you feel small. Rise up. If someone has nothing nice to say, ignore them."

"Sesungguhnya ma ni penyayang dan pengasih.. ape jua org niat jahat kat awak..awak tetap maaf kan nya.. tu kehebatan mama tau."

"Sheeeesh ok keep calm and know that this is a 4:1 battle yo!!!"

People always say.. family are our best support, come rain or shine.. Today, once again.. all of you ♥ have proven these people right..

Thank You so much Allah swt..
For the love and the valuable lessons that happens all around me..



Betullah niii... kannn kannn kannn..!!

Wednesday, 4 December 2013


Masa untuk perasan mode... kekeke...

#Cancers are the type of people you can tell them anything and they will understand where you're coming from.

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Remember!.. Sepenuhnya..

There is a proverb that goes like this..
Good, Better, Best..
Never let it rest..
Till your Good is Better..
And your Better, Best..

A good better half,
Enjoined with a less than best half..
Multiplies to become a..
Good, better and best relationship..
Approved by the Almighty!

In shaa Allah.


Monday, 2 December 2013