Friday, 28 February 2014

Ups n Downs

Verily with hardship, there is relief!

Ucaplah Alhamdulillah
Syukur kita kepada Allah
Selawat ke atas Nabi
Ya Rasul Allah..


Nothing new..
Just worth re-sharing..
May Allah bless everyone with peace, safety and good health.. always..

Thursday, 27 February 2014

Otherwise. A. Friend

"Everyone is a friend,
Until proven otherwise."

Gracias for proving the otherwise..
Thank you for giving me the chance to get to know you..
Terimakasih, jasamu akan ku kenang..

Between an Acquaintance..
And a Friend..

Know the difference.


Wednesday, 26 February 2014


Someone very nice must've been praying for me. Alhamdulillah! Thank you, Allah, for fulfilling their prayer. Please bless them too.. ameen..

A short while ago I was all worked up over something trivial..
And moments later.. tadaaaaa...!!!

I receive a drawing by.. none other than.... handsome M.B.B! LoL!! ♡♡♡

It is a 'picture' of him and his mom (tudung hijau je nampak, boleh gitu? hahah) watching an elephant at the zoo (warna hijau oren cokelat).. wahahahaha..
The topic in class was what you like most in the Zoo.

Daughter kept it for me, after telling him this drawing is not acceptable cos it's too vague! (There is no resemblance to a human nor animal wahaha)

Anyway, he drew another picture to hand-in with slides, mom and elephants (again!). Such cuteness and innocence... i cant!!! Lmao!!

Now my night is made!! Wheeee....


Aaahhhh!!! just nice a friend posted this in Facebook.
I should not think about it tonight. Right?
It is not a do or die issue.. right? Right!!

Haiya.... talk about worryless..
See lah... now worrymore..

Dont like this!


Dear Best Friend.

Signed with love,


Worries comes, uninvited.
Worries left, unexpected.

No worries..
No care..

The thinning tampered glass..


Tuesday, 25 February 2014


That awkward moment when you miss someone so much...
You even become a spy to just have a glimpse of their activity..
Yearning to know if they are alright..

And when unexpectedly it came..!!!

That awesome moment when that very person you've been missing;
Calls you out of nowhere..!!!
That is when you go speechlessly ELATED!!

Thank You, Ya Rohman.. ♡♡♡

And thank you, technology!!!

Aahhhh...!!! i am so so so so HAPPY TONIGHT!!!

Monday, 24 February 2014

Sunday, 23 February 2014


Yankee doodle went to town..
And snap a photo of ...... !!!!

It started from the Daughter..
And the craze just grew on me after watching the dramas.. the videos.. the comedies.. and the 'cuteness'..

Am Not totally hooked.. but..
'boleh tahan sangkot jugaklah..'

As the saying goes..
If u can't win them..
Join them lah.. ahaks!!


"ZFacts: Before they can have fun a #Cancer wants to make sure everyone else is happy first. They always think about others before themselves."

Friday, 21 February 2014

Single. With. Two

The predicament and stigma of a single mother..

"U uh!! She's a home-wrecker!"

Most wives fear their existence..
Blaming these single mums for their spouse's incompetence..
For every wrongdoings in a lady..
A single mum gets twice the blasphemy ..

For someone who has been there..
Facing things alone as she looks on everywhere..
Seeing the rest of the cohort relying on their partner..
The strength she needs is never a laughing matter..

GentleMen who dates these single mums..
Are often labelled as men who are socially dumbs..
Ridiculed with the harsh mocking dilemma..
Of "beli satu, free dua.."

Thank you so very much to YOU..
For thinking away from the taboo..
To accept her, faults and all..
And being her pillar, should she fall..

Don't easily say you understand..
If you haven't gone through it with your own two hands..

The surrounding is certainly cruel..
But, let Allah (swt) be the fuel..
To couragiously overcome all the duel..
In shaa Allah, you can conquer the world.


To all single mothers, I give you my best prayers..


Salam Jumaat

What we look at..
May not be what we see...
Worse still..
What we assume at..
May not be what it is..

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Closed Doors

It is behind us, for a reason..

To You..
Noted with thanks..

Tuesday, 18 February 2014


Good question.. and it happens to me.. all the time..

Yep. Noconfidence. :)

Sunday, 16 February 2014


"Don't you ever allow anyone to bring you down."



There's Only One..

Friday, 14 February 2014

Handsome... lol

Punyalah cute anak sorang ni... lagi lagi dah haircut...
awww.. love love love... hehehe...

Friendship Relationship

Any relationship that’s real will not be perfect, but if you’re willing to work at it and open up, it could be everything you’ve ever dreamed of.
Your best friends and your soul mate may be far from perfect, but they are a perfect fit for you. Give them a chance to show you. When you stop expecting the people you love to be a certain way, you can start to enjoy and appreciate them for who they are. What you need to remember is that every relationship has its problems, but what makes it perfect in the end is when you wouldn’t want to be anywhere else, even when times are tough. 


Wednesday, 12 February 2014

"Trudge on; with love"

Have always been amazed and envious of people who can and are able to pen down their feelings so effortlessly.
It is the biggest hindrance for me and the main reason why I always end up writing short sentences, when in actual fact the emotions running in my mind are enormous.
Oh well, I guess it is best to accept my own incapability. (self-pity much aye) ;p

OK, let's set aside my rants, and my beating all around the bush.. hihi :D...
I'm sharing today a status from this guy I follow. I don't even know him at all, but his postings has more than once moved and motivated me. Making me realise, I am not alone.
Thanks, Matt.

and here goes.... It's a long one, but personally, to me.. it's worth the read.

quote :

Some of you have been sending certain messages to my inbox recently, so I just want to post this for a few of you..

Dear you.. perhaps you might be going through a hard time, hurting from lies you were fooled by, getting stressed out or pressured by society and expectations.. maybe right now, behind the smile, you’re actually bleeding but its too painful or shameful to want to talk about it with anyone.. whatever it is you may be dealing with right now, I just want you to know that sometimes, it's okay to not be okay.

Being emotional is not a weakness but the most beautiful sign of life in a person. I mean, just go in front of a mirror and put your hand over your heart. You feel that beating? It means you're still alive - for a reason you may not know or understand just yet; but know this, believe this.. you are strong and you will get through whatever's weighing you down. Now see that smile as soon as you realize that? That's a reminder that you're beautiful, a reflection of hope, a silent promise to yourself that you'll survive the tide and the days will get better.

Dear you.. please know that you are never alone. You are not worthless. You are wonderful. You are loved. In more ways than you actually even know; by the people who’ve been there in their ways because they want to matter; because you matter to them. So don't constantly try to seek the love and approval from everyone else. We don't need everyone. Just a few right ones. The right ones are good enough. And it's these few right ones that we need to let down our walls and let them embrace us with their sincere love especially when we think we don't deserve it or when we're too weak on our own.

Because the inevitable thing about life is.. every single day, every single person deals with their own personal struggles, demons and reasons that we may not ever know about or truly understand.. not every one of us will go through the same situation or have the same experience. But shit will inevitably happen to all of us at different points in our lives.

If you don't really care about a person in pain or struggle because he/she means nothing to you, that's fine.. but before we be so quick to judge, hate or bitch, maybe we ought to remind ourselves of our own insecurities and secrets. People have their reasons for feeling or doing certain things; as do we in our own circumstances and lives.

If you do care enough for someone though.. let them know and be there for them.. because it's all these little acts of concern and love in our most desperate and trying times, that will come to mean the most.

Then, when you're better again or as soon as you realize who this someone or these individuals are who love you dearly, always remember and appreciate them for being there for you, with you, no matter how tiring or painful it may be for them.. and in turn, be there for them when they need you as well.

So no matter how hard it ever gets.. draw strength from within and hope from the dearest ones around you, k?

Better days will come again.

I share all these from a heart and spirit that was once completely shattered. But I write this today better - only because of the ones who loved, and I love too.

So dear you.. I hope you trudge on; with love.

Keep swimming..

No pretension nor assumption.

Don't act good..
Just be, You!

Happy By Choice..

Monday, 10 February 2014

Sometimes, always

Dear me,

Please do not forget to say, ALHAMDULILLAH as often as you can.

Warmest regards,
Your brain.


Sunday, 9 February 2014

Dengan iringan doa..

Semoga dirimu senantiasa didalam rahmat dan perlindunganNya... aamiinn

The little things in life.. does matters.


Saturday, 8 February 2014


A #Cancer is easy to be around however they have their times when they seek seclusion, especially when they are down in the dumps.

*If u know what i mean.*

Friday, 7 February 2014

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Selamat malam

Selamat malam teman..
Semoga esok masih ada untuk kita..

Nukilan penuh dari Cjep..

Saturday, 1 February 2014


Call it mainstream... cliche... normal... or by any other name there is..

Having good manners and being kind is always a cool winner's smart choice...


Feel it..

Everything goes around like a roundabout..
Becos everyone needs to feel happy and pain...
Sometimes both at once..
In order to grow..
In order to learn..
There can never be anyone safe from being hurt nor pure from hurting others..

Speaking for and about myself..
first n foremost..
My sincere apologies..
As well as... thank you..