Saturday, 31 May 2014


"ihq: Don't get stuck with the thing that ruins your day. Smile and be happy. Life is too short to be wasted on negative thinking."

Hahahahaha this post appears right on time when I'm still affected by your crude remark....

Oh, you kelinkia!!! You did ruin my day you are one mean pariamma...!!! sobsob

Wednesday, 28 May 2014


And it is just Wednesday..

Weekend please come quick!

Sunday, 18 May 2014


Senyum.. tak perlu kata apa-apa



"May the Almighty cure all those who are unwell in any way and may He bless those who are taking care of them. Aameen" muftimenk

Aamiin Allahumma Aamiin...

Thank you for your doa for us who are going through it, muftimenk. May you be blessed by Allah with good health always..



"Be mindful that false accusation is such a heinous crime that its negative repercussions begin to affect the perpetrator almost instantly." Muftimenk

I simply love both:
the advice his message brings.. and the strong words he used.


Saturday, 17 May 2014

Saturday thoughts

Been so busy lately that I almost forgot to pen my thoughts...

But, am just glad that those busy hours does somehow make my day calm from negativity and sorts..

Days may not be filled with fun moments or sightseeings.. or anything sensationally different as many would wish to have..
Routines are repetitions; but it sure does good to my inner thoughts and feelings..

Less is definitely more.. I would say..

And thus, at the end of each day..
all I have to utter in silence is..
Alhamdulillah.. thank You, Allah!
Your plans are perfect!


Tuesday, 13 May 2014


Saya suka tengok awan..
Hari-hari saya boleh nampak awan..
Awan macam kawan..
Awan ada hujan..
Dia cantik menawan..
Dan dia baik..tak ajak lawan..



Monday, 12 May 2014

Alhamdulillah 2


Terima Kasih Allah..

Akhirnya usaha selama lebih dari setahun telah berjaya....

Semoga dipermudahkan segala urusan... dan setiap usahamu menuju kebaikan diberkatiNya...

Sunday, 11 May 2014


U had a misadventure.

And so,

U learn to memorize a good doa..
U recite it with all your heart at every opportunity..
U feel calm..
U experience love all around u..
U feel humility..
U realise u are merely His frail servant..
U begin to fully understand, that anything and everything is at His mercy..
Ur faith strengthened..
Aamiin.. in shaa Allah..

Ur misadventure is in truth..
But a blessing..!!



Saturday, 10 May 2014


"IslamicThinking: Dont tell people what Islam is not, who Muslims are not. Tell them who we are, share with them the blessed character of our beloved Nabi."

Wish I can post this status up on FB..
With the increasing number of instant asatizah there, this statement would fit just right.. especially today and on those days when there are 'celebrations' going around the globe...



Friday, 9 May 2014

Lots of...

Love is in the air..

Receiving numerous hugs and kisses when you are away fron your love ones.. is the most valuable joy that no amount of $ can buy...



Tq, ♡

Thursday, 8 May 2014

Hurmmm... :)

I fell in love with this quote the moment I saw it.. Heh..

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Monday, 5 May 2014


Change.. The world..
Make it a better place..
For you and for me..
And the entire human race..


Sunday, 4 May 2014


That precious smile from a handsome happy brother, and a contented helpful hubby..


Saturday, 3 May 2014


Is your answer... ?

Mine would definitely be.......

For reasons valid only to me...

The end.



Friday, 2 May 2014

Four gift.

1 - I will try my best to forgive, as fast as I could, as best as I would...

2 - Because I'm seeking and hoping for Allah's forgiveness...

3 - And, I seek forgiveness from everyone, anyone I'd ever hurt too..

4 - #letsstartafresh

1) #apology

2) #sayAstaghfirullah

3) #Alhamdulillah

4) #Lai'laaha'ilAllah

Thursday, 1 May 2014


Come 25th Rejab...
Marks the 5th year of your solemn oath..
The day I became your responsibility..

For being legally yours..
I profusely Thank Allah..
For the turbulence years..
I say Astaghfirullah..
For the future together, whatever it holds....
I have faith, Insha Allah..




Exactly a week ago..
The fateful day..
That terrifying scene..
That panic stricken moment..
The fear..
The pain..
Never thought it would happen to me..
Never knew my condition were that bad..

Passersby.. shop owners..
Everyone who came to help..!
I thank you with all my heart for your quick action and kind gestures..
All of you proved that humanity still exists..
Notwithstanding our colors, race, nationality or gender...
You are the 'angels' sent by Allah for me...
I am deeply indebted to you..

I wish and matter what race, religion or nationality you may be..
.. that each of you be rewarded with glad tidings, many happy times with your loved ones.. and good health, for always.. aameen

Humbly n sincerely from the bottom of my heart..
Thank You Thank You Thank You, Each & Every one of you!
