Sunday, 29 June 2014

Ramadhan Mubarak

Alhamdulillah kerana aku masih mampu berdiri dibumi Allah yang luas dan mewah ini, dianugerahi kesihatan yang baik dan masih berpeluang menjalani ibadah puasa dan kewajipan2ku yang lain terhadapNya...

Semoga segala amalanku diterimaNya.. aamiinn


Wednesday, 25 June 2014


A #Cancer is not picky, all they want you to do is keep your promises, and always doing what you will say you will do.

Well said definition. :)

Sunday, 22 June 2014

Huge love

Sometimes we have a rift..
And sometimes we tend to drift..
But there is never a second..
That I ever stop loving my family..
To bits...


Saturday, 14 June 2014


And the caption for the picture featured goes, "One of the most emotional scene of Bollywood.."

Ermmm...suddenly realised it has been many years since I watched a Bollywood movie/show... wow!

The only show I can recall sitting and watching for a full 3 hours is very well the most famous, Kuch Kuch Hota Hei..
Am I that old or Bollywood has been too mono that I end up not watching any..

Beats me in the answer.. I dont know too. Hehe..




And it feels so good!!!!


Friday, 13 June 2014

Cosmas oh cosmas

Handphone ku semakin penuh sesak dengan quotes dari mu cosmas...

Guwe suka bangets deh ama nukilan kamu! Gimana sih bung... Hihihi...


Thursday, 12 June 2014


Am Guilty as charged..



How easily we waver..
How easily we forget..
As time passes by..
As days turn to month..
And month into years..
We tend to take things for granted..

I don't say it often..
Nor do I show it well..
But you bet I am..
Glad to have you..
A part of me, will always be with you..
Just as you have always been there, 

with me.. for me.


Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Say with a little prayer

All's good will turn out good..
For all of us!
In shaa Allah.. aamiinn


Tuesday, 10 June 2014


In this case, walking away is a necessity..
or rather... don't walk away....!


Monday, 9 June 2014


It is not about revenge..
It is about teaching the rude some needful manners..

Today.. now.. is your day...
Its okay.

Allah knows best.

Sunday, 8 June 2014


"ZFacts: An #Aries wears the pants in the relationship. Sometimes an Aries can be selfish, but they will always go to war for you."

Tested and proven...

"I trust you!" speaks more volume than "I love you!"



It's not easy..
We just have to..

Friday, 6 June 2014


I found me,
When I lost you!

Like people usually say..
YOU know who YOU are. Heh.

Out of sight, out of mind.
Thank You!

Thursday, 5 June 2014

Five six

Celebrating the reason why I am promoted to be called 'mama'...

Semoga keberkatan dan keredhaan Allah sentiasa bersamamu dunia dan akhirat.. aamin allahumma amiin..

Dearest daughter,
I love you more than you can ever imagine..



Sunday, 1 June 2014

Role play

Change happens..
Some we expect..
Some not..
No matter what life throws at us..
We are given only a choice..
To accept.. and move on..
Because what lies ahead..
Always proves why change happens..
The only constant thing in life..
is in fact...

If only we realise.
