Tuesday 31 December 2013


That small gesture..
That uncalled for kindness..
Aww... such sweetness..

Thank you.. & alhamdulillah...

Sunday 29 December 2013

Tuhan slalu menguji, menguji dan menguji kita. Tugas kita hanyalah menyelesaikan ujian itu dgn baik.

U know u are doing the right thing, when ur mind is at ease... ur heart is in peace.. Alhamdulillah...

Friday 27 December 2013


Sometimes it's better to move on than to hold on to a person who don't understand you. Your absence will teach what your presence can not. 

I am living positive..

Tuesday 24 December 2013


Thanks for the wonderful memories..
I guess my best wasn't good enough..
Shall do it your way..
No complaints..
No regrets..

Sorry for my shortcomings..
I forgive you for yours..


Friday 13 December 2013


"ZodiacFacts: #Cancers are willing to take the good with the bad. They will love and accept you when no one else would."

See, told ya.. It's inborn.. ahaks..

Wednesday 11 December 2013


I thank YOU..

Thank you.. for your time..
Thank you.. for your lies..
Thank you.. for the truth..
Thank you.. for the happiness..
Thank you.. for the heartaches..
Thank you.. for making me a priority..
Thank you.. for taking me for granted..
For showing me what honesty means..
For teaching me how painful it is without it..

Thank YOU!


Sometimes we say things.. without thinking..
Sometimes we do things.. taking another's feelings for granted..

To you.. the one who have been honest, I'm sincerely sorry..
To the one who have done it to me..
I forgive you..

Tuesday 10 December 2013


"ZodiacFacts: You can count on a #Cancer to remember everything you said word from word. As much as they like to forget they simply can't."

hahaha.. and they are going to use it against you when the time is right.

"ZodiacFacts: Trust that a #Cancer will forgive you,but they will never forget. Every time you get into a fight they will remind you of it." Beware the wrath!! LoL

Anyyyywayy,.. otherwise...
Cancers are a peaceful, caring and very thoughtful lot.

Yo yo!! (Y)

Monday 9 December 2013

Green grass of home

"muftimenk: Making the lives of others a misery and asking them to keep bearing patience is like placing something in a fire and asking it not to burn."

Things always seem like 'nothing', 'easy' or 'being ungrateful', when in actual fact, we are just a mere onlooker...

Try walking in the other person shoes..

Empathy is power!
Understanding breeds compassion.

Thursday 5 December 2013


"ihqs: Those who talk down to you are just trying to walk tall by making you feel small. Rise up. If someone has nothing nice to say, ignore them."

"Sesungguhnya ma ni penyayang dan pengasih.. ape jua org niat jahat kat awak..awak tetap maaf kan nya.. tu kehebatan mama tau."

"Sheeeesh ok keep calm and know that this is a 4:1 battle yo!!!"

People always say.. family are our best support, come rain or shine.. Today, once again.. all of you ♥ have proven these people right..

Thank You so much Allah swt..
For the love and the valuable lessons that happens all around me..



Betullah niii... kannn kannn kannn..!!

Wednesday 4 December 2013


Masa untuk perasan mode... kekeke...

#Cancers are the type of people you can tell them anything and they will understand where you're coming from.

Tuesday 3 December 2013

Remember!.. Sepenuhnya..

There is a proverb that goes like this..
Good, Better, Best..
Never let it rest..
Till your Good is Better..
And your Better, Best..

A good better half,
Enjoined with a less than best half..
Multiplies to become a..
Good, better and best relationship..
Approved by the Almighty!

In shaa Allah.


Monday 2 December 2013

Thursday 28 November 2013


Loving this quote..
Such honest and true confession of a friend..

#pogoshipo ")


"I don't feel the same as I used to.
But, I don't feel different either." YM

Verytrueindeed. ^^

; p

this is me!!!! ;))

Wednesday 27 November 2013


Some things are just..
As deep as it comes..
As shallow as it goes..

All we can do is..

Stop n think

It feels different when the thing you do to others.. is done toward you.. isnt it?

We say Life is unfair..
but don't forget ALLAH is always fair and always there!

Kept behind closed doors..
Bottled and thrown away..

U will never understand.

Tuesday 26 November 2013

Only for HIM

I'm just thankful that HE chose me to be the one to assist you...
I realise now that it is not your appreciation that I should seek..
It is not the approval of HIS beings that would determine my path..

I humbly seek YOUR guidance..
I sincerely yearn for YOUR acceptance..

May HE, The Most Gracious & The Most Merciful reward us with HIS rahmah and barakah.. aamiinn...


"Hadithoftheday: Right now, turn to look at your spouse, reflect what this Allah's gift means to you, give them your warmest smiles and say Alhamdulillah."

Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah...

Monday 25 November 2013

Yes No is not Alright.

Either a Yes OR a No!!
There is never a yes&no..
Really..! our words do hurt or heal..
A hurt-heal scenario can never be accepted..
Cos even the slightest papercut , hurts.. alot!!

"Muftimenk: Controlling & dominating the lives of others, imposing our views on them is the root cause of many bitter feuds & disputes. Live & let live."

I will be more careful from now on..

In shaa Allah...

Sunday 24 November 2013


Love this.
Good night, L♥ve..

Aaminn Allahumma Aamiin...


Wondering if I am such a friend to anyone..
When there are times where I don't even understand myself..



Oh my... am i flabbergasted !!!!
shut down time...


Past tense..

Praying for a change of heart..

Ya Allah! Please forgive my sins. The first and the last, the open and the hidden, the biggest and the smallest, and purify my deeds.

Aamiinn Allahumma Aamiin

Saturday 23 November 2013

Private & Personal

Making sure you know you are worth..
Is the only thing that matters..

"A relationship should be between two people, not the whole world. #iHQ"

YasminMogahed: The power of words is in the heart behind them.

Friday 22 November 2013

More than..

YasminMogahed: Sometimes all it takes is a few words to relieve another person's heart.

Our words can heal or hurt..
Choose it..
Use it..



YasminMogahed: Only the things you're attached to can hurt you. #Pain


Thursday 21 November 2013


Time ticks away unrealised..
With every precious tick I spent with you..
With every minute memories we created..

Some are left as memories..
While others became a part of me..
For you who have left my life..
Never once did I forget thee..
My best prayers will remain to be..
May you always be healthy..

Some things

The irony of life...
We fight against ourselves..
Some things, we crave to dismiss..
Some, deeply carved in our soul..

Wednesday 20 November 2013

Stay well..

I wish u well.. I wish u health..
I am sorry for everything..
May Allah's blessings and protection be with u always..
From afar, there is nothing more I would ask than your wellbeing..

YA Allah, lindungilah dia dan ringankanlah beban yg ditanggungnya.. aamiin..

Tuesday 19 November 2013


"A #Cancer may detect things that is not readily apparent to others, or that is intentionally hidden."



"The greatest mistake we humans make in our relationships; We listen half, understand quarter, think zero, and react double."

Monday 18 November 2013


Lend me a moment..
A moment too much..
A moment passes on..
A moment.. forever gone..

Drawing a closure to the drama..
Returning the favour with..


For give for take...

To me... forgiving others is alot more easier than forgiving myself...


Sunday 17 November 2013


There is never a better time to be with someone who deserves the best.
Who needs my full love and attention.

Being alone is not a curse..
It is a blessing..
There is a higher power who hears..
Allah swt is always listening.



Paddling further n further away...

Saturday 16 November 2013


In reverse.. there are times when the eyes only began to see what the mind has clearly knew since forever..

Time is the essence..
Result comes with patience..


"If a #Cancer thinks you have betrayed them or used them then you can break the bond of trust between you two forever."



Too often..
We are merely saving our own lives...!



#sapesuruhminumairmanismlm2kandahtaklehtido :p

Friday 15 November 2013

Thursday 14 November 2013


"YasminMogahed: The danger of trying to judge the inside of a situation, from the outside, is that you're almost always wrong."

Wednesday 13 November 2013

Happy by choice

Being the person you wish to befriend..
Is the best gift you can give, to a friend.. *acquaintance, family and love ones*

Tuesday 12 November 2013

A good friend..

A friend doesnt expect.
They are around when u need them.
They will sit quietly in a corner, waiting for you to open up.
Lending a listening ear when you speak.
They may not talk to you every day.
But truly, they are the ones who care..

You just know,
They are and will always be there..

Thankful for the long lasting friendship.


"Andainya hatiku bersuara...
Pastinya ia akan berkata.."


"#Cancers often have bad tempers when you take their kindness for weakness."


Such timely revelation..